When Karen first suggested that I join her Mom and Baby group, I was so excited:)  I knew a couple of the mamas who planned to also join however the majority of them I had never met.  I was a little curious about what the dynamic of the group was going to be like…as we all know having your first child is an overwhelming experience, and all us mamas have strong opinions on what is best for our babes.  I can honestly say that I could not have joined a more wonderful group of women.  At no point in our several months together was anyone ever anything but supportive, helpful, kind and understanding.  Karen was great at providing a very safe and welcoming environment, and she always had great group discussion topics….not that we were ever at a loss for things to talk about!  I am so thankful that I joined the group.  We’ve all become great friends, and we continue to get together on a weekly basis.  It’s so fabulous to have nine other women a text or email away who “get it”.  It’s also fascinating to watch all the babes grow and develop and to see how they interact with one another as they get older and more mobile.  I highly recommend this group to any Mom, especially a first-time Mom.  Chances are you will consider it one of the best things you ever did with your new babe:)
